域名是GD的,這是剛收到的原郵件,( `7 t- c( A& ^% t3 W
If you find that your domain contact data is current and accurate, there's no need to take action. If, however, your domain contact information is inaccurate, you must correct it. (Under ICANN and ccTLD WHOIS rules and the terms of your registration agreement, PROVIDING FALSE CONTACT INFORMATION CAN BE GROUNDS FOR DOMAIN NAME CANCELLATION.) To review the ICANN policy, visit: http://www.icann.org/en/whois/wdrp-registrant-faq.htm
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說的好嚴肅好嚇人,如果不改的話隨時有被收回的可能性...3 T! U2 p0 l) U9 H( A$ a% n! M
可是我不想改成真的信息,這些小站如果都改成真實信息會很麻煩。% r" u) {! E- ~. @( p
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