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發表於 2013-9-4 01:48:54 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 Seanhere 於 2013-9-4 02:04 編輯
1 P: [8 ^% @0 C4 P* u0 ^. d, K$ E2 k5 `% a

7 ~2 r" G  n  \8 d
% [7 O/ l  ]' ?( `; m$ ?. B註:文章大部分是讀了英文資料後翻譯而來,高手請無視。
一、標題:最簡單的標題是 Product Name + Review(s),新穎的標題可以輕易抓住讀者的眼球,使得他不得不讀下去。
1.    使用副標題: xxx review – Is it the best xxx ?
a)     Porter-Cable C2002-WK Oil-FreeUMC Pancake Comparessor – How Powerful isit?
b)      Porter-Cable C2002-WK Oil-Free UMC Pancake Comparessor – Durable AirCompressor
c)      Porter-Cable C2002-WK Oil-Free UMC Pancake Comparessor – Free UMCPancake Compressor?
2.    常用的標題格式
a)      發起爭論:XXXX review - Is this XXX Really worthyour money?
b)      在讀者腦海中建立產品形象:Crystal Clear HD Picture – Does the Sharp Aquos Quattron LC-40LE830U Deliver?
c)      直接進入主題: xxxx review
d)      開始一個對話:Thinking about buying XXX ?
e)      引發讀者好奇心:What You Need to Know About the SharpAquos Quattron LC – 40LE830 LCD TV
f)       發出命令:Don』t Buy the Sharp Aquos Quattron 40LE830 LCD TVUntil You Read This Review
g)      一點誘餌:Why the Sharp Aquos Quattron 40LE830LCD TV Drives Me Crazy !
. w) C! p! ~* A. S5 E" W' s
1.    禁忌
a)      不要看低讀者的智商:我們在寫Review(類似軟文), 而不是廣告,文章要夠軟才行。而不是直白的誇耀自己的Niche產品,而貶低其它產品。
「Obviously, theXYZ product is far superior to other widgets. If
you』ve ever useda brand other than XYZ, you know that these
widgets are ofextremely low quality.」
「You』ve probablyheard quite a few people saying that the XYZ
Widget is one ofthe best widgets that money can buy. And, like
me, you』veprobably used a widget or two in the past. After
reading quite afew XYZ widget reviews, I have to say that I am
pretty darnedimpressed with XYZ widget, and, quite frankly, I
agree that thesejust may be the best widgets on the market today.」
b)      不要只列產品特性而不加詮釋:
. 4 HP Motor
      . Comes with a blade brake and wrap-aroundhandle
      . 18 inch guide bar
      . 1 year warranty
      . Built with a powerful 4 horsepower motorso you can rip
through thetoughest lumber with ease.
      . Stay safe while cutting with theintegrated blade brake and
sturdywrap-around handle.
      . The 18 inch steel guide bar allows youto cut with precision,so you have total control over every cut.
      . Backed by a full 1 year warranty toprotect your purchase.
c)      沒有告訴讀者該做什麼:你為什麼寫這篇Review/post 呢,無非是想讓讀者通過aff鏈接到Amazon購買產品,或者通過分享按鈕分享文章到其它網站,或者留言討論,或者點擊Like/評分。那麼你應該在文章結尾處寫出來,提醒讀者在讀完本文章後該去做什麼。
2.    Review 速成法:下面的內容跟上文來自不同的資料,沒有任何聯繫,上文旨在提高文章轉化率,下文旨在在最短的時間內寫出Review(作者是寫給英文寫手看的)。
a)      動筆前的準備工作(本步驟需設定時間限制,如10min左右)
                 i.     查看產品性能,特點
                 ii.    製造商/Amazon對產品的描述
                 iii.   用戶Review (重點步驟,需要記下可以使用的點)
b)      按照一定的格式填充內容(時間最好限制在20分鐘內)
                 i.     開場白(約90words): 使用對話的語氣,像對好友親人講解你所瞭解的產品。
                 ii.    過渡段(約150words): 重點突出產品的1-3個特性,每個特性為一段,使用子標題。
                 iii.    優點和特性(約100words):結合features偽原創
                 iv.    總結(約140words):結合Amazon產品頁中用戶的評論,最後簡述產品的優點和缺點。# u4 ?' N8 w# [2 f2 W6 W
這樣,30分鐘內應該就可以完成一篇資質普通的500詞Review文章,原文作者說只需要15Min,手熟後可以5分鐘一篇review, 這個說法太不實際,我覺得在30分鐘內應該可以的。當然具體還要看英文水平。
* I5 u. ]) e2 p1 U2 c7 T3 {! l- M
1 c5 a8 c  v$ j9 ~
例文' V6 ?9 |% L! e6 R: \( V
DeLonghi EC155 Espresso MakerReview+ J# u6 z+ H; o2 n& A7 y1 T

. w5 g4 N# J3 A8 l) CIf you're anything like me, andlove a good cup of espresso to get your day started, you know how important itis to have a high quality espresso maker at home. The DeLonghi EC155 EspressoMaker is an espresso maker that's been in high-demand for the past few years.And since I'm always on the lookout for a way to enjoy authentic, Italian-styleespresso, I decided to do some research on this popular model, so I could shareit with you here in this DeLonghi EC155 Espresso Maker review.) F$ h5 D9 \$ u0 ~) p4 Q6 y& h# O
% C$ z' R* z  J3 r6 A9 Q2 Y* B
Pure Pumping Power(使用子標題使文章結構明顯,並突出產品特性)
" M: m5 b0 C0 j8 y) jMaking authentic, deliciousespresso at home can be difficult with stove-top espresso pots, as they simplydon't use the same approach that an authentic espresso maker, like the DeLonghiEC155 Espresso Maker uses. You see, real Italian bistros and coffee shops usepump-driven espresso machines. Fortunately, the DeLonghi EC155 Espresso Makeruses 15 bar pumping action to make every cup brewed as tasty and piping hot aspossible.( l( ~' _  p8 Z: d* o* s

. M  w4 W3 r; {" M0 f2 x5 [Easy to Clean
" o# N6 C% B' \) K8 A" dAnd if you're searching around forthe best espresso maker, you probably don't want one that is too difficult ortime consuming to clean up. The DeLonghi EC155 Espresso Maker is made to allow simple,quick clean ups. With its removable drip tray, you never have to worry aboutbig messes in the kitchen. And since the DeLonghi EC155 Espresso Maker hasdishwasher safe parts, you can have this powerful espresso maker cleaned up andready to brew in no time at all.
$ X$ u, f. ^0 n* s" c' B. a* O9 g
Features & Specifications
3 ]* V4 T+ {6 f) n
‧ Built with a 15 bar pumpsystem to give you authentic espresso
2 t8 Z4 |/ a3 ]% q. Y‧ Integrated stainless steelboiler that's built to last for years to come6 N. A7 }1 _% k( q  K% ?  s1 E0 B7 B
‧ Features 2 separatethermostats for individual control over water and steam pressure options
4 N" V; c4 `% E‧ This espresso maker isself-priming, so you don't have to fuss with a manual priming system
6 _0 [/ g: h8 [' O3 i8 o8 e8 V9 l‧ Uses E.S.E. Pods and groundespresso, so have more choices for your espresso
/ S: E, N8 k/ K‧ Built with a swivel jetfrother to add delicious frothed milk to your drinks
5 _: f8 W- D+ o2 q‧ 35 ounce water tank is simpleto remove for fill ups and clean ups' S0 o$ x  u  a, Y
‧ Dimensions:7-1/2 by 9-1/2 by11-1/8 inches8 s5 r' I( r" I  w
‧ Backed by a powerful 1-yearwarranty
6 m7 V, ~' `! Q/ q  x( Q; E8 i" R9 o  ^. }" \
The Customer Reviews &Scores: Z! V, N0 l) Z
No DeLonghi EC155 Espresso Maker review would be complete without discussing the real life customerreviews for this model. While doing research for this espresso maker review, Ifound over 600 helpful customer reviews. All told, this espresso maker hasracked up an impressive 4.1 out of 5 star rating. That means that the vastmajority of people have given this espresso maker the highest marks possible. And while there were some minorcomplaints about the frother wand being a bit too low for some peoples' liking,the overall consensus is that the DeLonghi EC155 Espresso Maker is one of thebest espresso makers in this price class. If you've been looking for anespresso maker to start your mornings off on the right foot, I highly recommendthe DeLonghi EC155 Espresso Maker
% V" g8 M" h/ R. _
6 ?+ u0 Q" `% t2 `3 ]* V3 N三. 個人看法3 M  Z) j, F, W; w
剛開始寫文章時受ZZ大神每天30篇的速度影響,再加上自認為英文水平還不錯,認為只要夠努力,每天寫30篇沒問題。但在實際中, 自己的步驟如下:" B: F8 t; M7 ^3 B" H
1. 選產品(約5min)
1 E. p- _# l; v) x6 }2. 使用Adwords選中適合的關鍵詞2-4個(5min)0 @. Y- B. r( y( P2 v& a
3. GG搜索與產品相關的資料,一般是三篇Review, 有時還看論壇的討論都讀一遍,作筆記(>30min)% I. h1 }/ m# A2 X6 t
4. 開始寫,結合找到的資料,寫出的Review文章可以輕鬆通過Copyscope,並在Copyscope Compare中與任一篇對比 match rate都低於10%。(40min)
# t$ W$ @6 O2 A/ x% n) u8 K0 ^' U: g5. 尋找3-5張圖片,文章排版發佈。
! B$ R% [. i" i+ H) R但這樣一篇Review無論如何也要1.5小時以上。一天也寫不出幾篇來。
4 E; C8 O  |; Z5 b! a現在的想法是,質量要求較高的文章,使用這種方法寫,每天寫2-3篇就可以。對於普通的文章/review, 就使用上面的 Review 速成法, 相信熟練後可以在0.5h內完成。兩者結合使用,在速度和質量上可以達到折中。$ S. z( u$ p: ]) Z

, e6 f8 G% q0 C& p  a) a
% ^4 U' L8 g0 I/ y% c$ d; t! U; W/ P' _
% [& W; W4 M" t# r$ f8 s; r. Q: E
) k; J& ?( U' e7 h% I) }' _4 z
3 l% a; Q. R5 v4 z; Q5 J
% x: E+ ]2 y6 ?4 I7 O
7 {6 f. M% _# v1 D
! t$ m: {$ G4 u+ A9 Y

/ s& n- t2 R- T! Y; W5 s9 b- N- i# n$ k2 u8 o- K2 W6 s

4 O% r) X# T. D9 ^


參與人數 17點點 +36 收起 理由
sure15 + 1 有見地
webmastercn + 1 不错的总结
backtoy + 1 鼓勵
华隐 + 3
tkmy + 2
月光飞燕 + 5
热过火 + 1 有見地
zgytljswzk + 2 楼主,你知道的太多了
wawylysys + 2 認眞參與
ADbb + 3 不错的经验总结,给力
Terry + 1
bbhit + 2 谢谢分享!
yangjianfeng + 4 送花花~~~
cgsky + 1 有見地
idea2money + 1
adver + 3 谢谢分享!
hudba + 3 楼主正以120码的速度奔向通往美刀的大路.


 樓主| 發表於 2013-9-4 02:28:41 | 顯示全部樓層
另,在工作之中會經常地遇到大大小小問題,這些問題彙集成了一道道很難過的坎,我的習慣是遇到這些坎,總是想著做些別的來轉移注意力(如休息),這樣就往往走不過去。 但現在每每遇到坎就想起「其間解決了各種難題,你們無法想像的,我都化解了,很滿意。」 那句話,強者自強,弱者自弱,強弱不是天生的,而是後天個人自己的選擇。在坎面前我在想,如果大佬仍會遇到這樣那樣的坎(另人無法想像的),剛起步的我們遇到坎就更正常了。或許那條通向神壇的道路正是前進邊邁過一道道坎走來的。所以如果要成為強者,可以因遇到的坎減緩前進的步伐,但決不能在坎面前停滯。/ `8 R" Y! r, f2 j( L- [


參與人數 5點點 +7 收起 理由
月光飞燕 + 3
热过火 + 1 有見地
pitch + 1 有見地
专心 + 1
yangjianfeng + 1 有見地


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發表於 2013-9-4 02:52:28 | 顯示全部樓層
, w. T; n7 h( Z( L
. I) j" B. g9 j) k% X3 P0 q
. _' E+ |$ |+ f& [5 Y( _
( q. c+ G% B$ @: a2 L# E% t! U
, b  t# M9 B2 g2 h信息的理解
- i$ T- ~+ l) l* L  \& c- g信息的篩選
) f  r$ ^  Q2 e4 t  Z. \信息的重寫rewrite
) o: P% s, R6 m4 u& B) n  k  \- U' R/ G7 L/ |

. [- L4 u6 q" }' K/ R% U8 m& ]# K+ C. E$ a6 x% K

1 g: j* u. k  d
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發表於 2013-9-4 05:56:19 | 顯示全部樓層
* F% m8 a- `7 \% W3 I
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發表於 2013-9-4 08:28:05 | 顯示全部樓層
我也剛看完rapid fire writing+ N' Z8 _. e% c7 g- s& Z. B
他這個模板確實也比較高效" @8 I  C7 U2 D& Z1 I/ a2 A
但是我想會不會很多人都是用的這種形式* s( H4 C' N1 J$ _* J( U3 l
導致用戶會對這種形式的review感到疲勞?: a4 y  \2 P, W+ b9 A
( f4 X- ~# _$ d, R* v4 t& ^
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發表於 2013-9-4 08:34:41 | 顯示全部樓層
很好的不錯,加油; C. X7 S: \' \2 {
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發表於 2013-9-4 08:38:26 | 顯示全部樓層
Seanhere 發表於 2013-9-4 02:28 ! V1 v4 b& h1 O, |+ n, L2 p  p: Q
另,在工作之中會經常地遇到大大小小問題,這些問題彙集成了一道道很難過的坎,我的習慣是遇到這些坎,總是 ...
" \/ }4 l+ C& _( J5 @1 ~
, h4 S- F: Z9 Z" }) G( P* O
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發表於 2013-9-4 08:53:12 | 顯示全部樓層
7 T  E& R; o# v/ |( b
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發表於 2013-9-4 09:12:24 | 顯示全部樓層
) O. r& U/ i! w$ \* T0 z0 p1 T# o
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發表於 2013-9-4 09:24:07 | 顯示全部樓層
2 ]' {) D# p1 |0 Y
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