Ambani: The £31billion man who has overtaken Bill Gates in the rich list! h! [; e/ H' T x7 L. k/ }
" n, u3 g G0 _' A! U: E
He is the new richest man in the world - and his latest home will leave no one in any doubt.4 w) ^2 e! N3 U, q* ]5 _7 h. M
) o2 n; J- v, d& [+ z% b Indian tycoon Mukesh Ambani yesterday jumped above Bill Gates andWarren Buffet, and their short-lived successor, Mexican Carlos SlimHelu, at the top of the rich tree as his personal fortune was put atnearly £31billion.
! g. g( p0 V6 S" b/ j ) j6 I- P& l; w% a0 j* k
In keeping with his new-found status, itemerged that the 49-year-old plans to build possibly the mostoutrageous home in the world.
d+ b6 G4 _( Z7 O2 I+ b1 F' T " R9 o+ X- y/ n
His mansion in Bombay will be60 storeys tall, but will only have 27 floors to allow for super-highceilings on the floors occupied by himself, wife Nita, and their threechildren.3 L+ z& |/ f) @$ f! V
5 S( F9 |9 H1 m L There will be accommodation for 600 personal servants and staff.9 v3 F7 x: Q m7 O! t, S# `' h; D
8 @1 S) x0 ]6 w; s' \9 } Mr Ambani runs Reliance Industries, India』s second-largest firm. Theoil, textiles and chemicals giant was founded by his father, Dhirubhai,who started work as a petrol pump attendant.7 Q" x8 s4 }5 s3 C" P5 c
' O. T J2 a0 K2 [( z2 P9 w His new pad will also include a helipad, health club, hanging gardens and six floors of car parking.8 m( U" h2 z$ j/ n" l/ Q
1 F- P7 m$ l. }2 U/ J. T+ B Z
Construction has already started on what will eventually be a 175mtower and planners are aiming to complete it by September next year.
$ ?# z C: ]) {" W- ]$ l " A* i9 m# Y) l* ]
The building, already worth £500 million, could start a rush on skyscrapers.
1 M Q! f2 L7 o) e* M& U& z' f ' I! |; r& B: [5 [5 ^
Earlier this year, Mr Ambani was rated as the richest resident Indian with a net worth of US$20.1 billion.
# T+ ^; D' l$ u" Z* n: Y% h' c
7 l5 S* f4 L" k5 C! R He came 14th in Forbes』 2007 worldwide rankings.
9 }8 `& r7 v; V9 J6 ^ {( _* I 8 l% P. d8 R7 _: E+ f' Z
) ]% H9 {- v2 A0 D1 R3 H* r* [ 他是世界上最富有的人——他的最新豪宅會消除所有人的疑問。
4 ]& P g E* B+ D9 @" u
$ A% U# {& b+ {" B: o: X7 L 昨天,印度大亨穆凱什‧安巴尼以將近310億英鎊的個人資產超越了比爾‧蓋茨、沃倫‧巴菲特和代替他們沒多久的墨西哥人卡洛斯‧斯利姆‧埃盧,一躍成為世界首富。, q- S7 ~ T( ?" z1 m5 x! n
" S9 y+ u2 l2 b( v
為了與這個新的身份相稱,據說這位49歲的首富打算建造世界上最豪華的官邸。* A7 p: H+ J5 `+ m
, r- ~, p: B# Q/ h$ R4 o
這個坐落在孟買的官邸將有60層樓高,但卻只有27層,層高超高,僅供他和妻子尼特以及三個孩子居住。" y( P$ m! ]( v* T
, ^0 c; v) ^) X' @ 這座豪華官邸將可容納600個僕人和工作人員居住。2 ]* c8 m% s" J0 P8 y
. n" c% q- a* B* n* ~
安巴尼目前經營印度第二大公司——信實工業。這個經營石油、紡織品和化學品的集團由他的父親迪魯拜一手創建,而他最開始工作的時候只是一個加油泵服務生。, w2 D J+ ^, S4 Y! l1 p
# E5 Y% U8 W, T. y
這座新官邸中還設有直升機降落場、健身俱樂部、空中花園和6層停車場。5 L1 T, ]& D) O8 r; B$ N
# T5 u1 Z& d$ D4 V T% s1 ^ 這棟高達175米的城堡已經動工,設計者計劃在明年9月之前完工。
& @. b) T% v5 A# Y! e H, R ! E& L# K' @& Q9 Q
" u3 H1 B" L* T
. n, F) y! h7 j5 P, L# n 今年早些時候,安巴尼以201億美元的淨資產被評為印度首富。5 Y* d. q+ R$ ?' J% T# f9 [
1 \6 K( m1 s/ d) D
他在2007年福布斯全球富豪榜中位居第14位。 [# J/ L+ g% ?3 M' Q' y
6 |5 p2 Z- z. R/ V8 ]$ [9 \/ ? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
5 _( e2 C4 K! D + W3 f) F) i2 v; u$ Q1 o$ K4 [
詹妮佛‧加納當選《魅力》雜誌「年度女性」6 r: f0 _6 W$ a A" a' T
Jennifer Garner named 『Woman of the Year』
5 g5 u9 U! C& ^$ Z5 Q- p
7 J/ C; ~. ], \0 a) V3 \ Jennifer Garner has been named Glamour magazine』s Woman of the Year.
( t' Q% |3 c9 _! ]: C( E6 @4 a 8 P0 ?) Q- Q3 m' O1 t% X
The Juno actress graces the cover of the US publication in anexquisite floor-sweeping backless turquoise gown for the November issuehonouring fantastic females.3 ~# f. e1 d2 ]; n- a
/ O3 G" T& Z* L* a
The 35-year-old star - who hasa 22-month old daughter, Violet, with husband Ben Affleck - has beenrecognised as a shining example of how to juggle a successful careerand a happy family life with style and elegance.3 A Q6 `/ ], T, r+ J- C
- e z0 U+ Z- x+ h+ e
The former Alias star will be honoured at a glitzy event at New York』s Lincoln Centre on November 5.
+ p r( B3 @2 L2 _) Y: T! @ m8 Q
2 z6 L: }* u6 g Y+ u v Nobel-prize winning novelist Toni Morrison and golfer Lorena Ochoa areamong 12 other women who will also be celebrated at the glamorous event./ P; k/ y# g) s- ]7 I& m
' K$ n1 f3 x! d F* [
Oscar-nominated actress Abigail Breslin, 11, will be honoured at theceremony after being named as the first ever Girl of the Year.4 ~7 h+ V) G5 g2 d- m( A
7 W: L) d$ B6 w2 K In June, Victoria Beckham was named UK Glamour magazine』s Woman of the Year.
! ]/ c- A0 i2 ?0 n W i; T6 N; X& R% ~8 d/ j2 f m
The Spice Girl, who also won Entrepreneur of the Year, attended theLondon event dressed in a corset and pair of frilly knickers.
# |# K! w0 w0 @; d" G5 }- U 4 c7 Q* O8 i1 d" O! V
Somaly Mam - a "modern-day saint" who devoted her life to rescuinggirls from sex slavery - was named the US Glamour magazine』s Woman ofthe Year in 2006.
; c; B" C8 f) j 9 V' ?' \5 Z4 _% {' C& o1 C2 l& W: j
詹妮佛‧加納最近當選為著名時尚雜誌《魅力》的「年度女性」。+ ^) `6 F! u. v/ b
% \( e, S/ F6 C& M8 g8 A
* F9 W9 o! q( R: D5 V& [) K 1 m# ]( j# U; H. f
9 X4 C1 ?4 T" R4 T
. F5 O5 g7 ? o. T# m; O 11月5日,在紐約林肯藝術中心將舉行盛大的頒獎禮。屆時,這位曾經的「雙面女間諜」將獲此殊榮。
0 h8 a, y& T+ W" Q3 e& l $ W: X4 o4 n6 q0 q
' t$ T9 m/ h. R! Q$ z0 Y" C2 s - a# [% X4 w( K9 Y) W- D
: u1 Q! K; u7 b- w5 o ) ~; X" U! P2 i
今年六月,維多利亞‧貝克漢姆被英國《魅力》雜誌評為年度女性。: j$ F) h- Y3 g2 Q5 l/ f% r. i8 n- A
& i0 Q( x0 W/ M7 X V: @3 W 辣妹身穿束腹緊身衣和鑲褶邊燈籠褲出席在倫敦舉辦的頒獎禮,她同時獲得「年度企業家」稱號。
( L* `* ~: R8 _) q; e1 E
- _$ K1 C9 j/ d 柬埔寨人權女鬥士瑪姆有「現代聖人」之稱,她將畢生精力用於拯救淪為性奴力的女孩。她在2006年被美國《魅力》雜誌評為「年度女性」。 |