

news: 民調:希拉裡為感恩節最受歡迎的人

發表於 2007-11-27 08:13:44 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
民調:希拉裡為感恩節最受歡迎的人3 W9 f8 P: K# l/ f" Z
  Clinton ranks as the favorite dinner guests this Thanksgiving. \3 x8 }+ n. z# v$ k
  1 H* |2 a7 x# y
( R: i5 K: i5 C, x  Hillary Clinton has gobbled up another moral victory on the road tothe White House, emerging as top pick among voters asked whichcandidate they would invite to share their Thanksgiving turkey.
6 T6 B0 F) L5 |, m' X1 v  ( A/ o9 k/ u' Y0 F& P0 `
  The former first lady knocked the stuffing out of her rivals, grabbing27 percent of all voters and 42 percent of Democrats in the QuinnipiacUniversity poll about the quintessentially American holiday.8 G0 u- Z$ b! S' W
  - o% Y. B" M3 \. v1 P7 v6 n1 L
  Her Democratic rival Barack Obama is the second most welcomed person,who would make it to the family table with 24 percent of all voters,and an identical proportion of Democrats.
  U+ N( |# x( Z7 g  
, x+ ?) P: s& M6 i  But Republicansmight be crying foul with their third place showing -- national partyfront-runner Rudolph Giuliani, was the pick of 22 percent of all voters-- and 26 percent of Republicans.8 u, Z+ n+ z' d3 B% C
, B! ^+ O5 o* E( z3 o6 `; X* s/ ]8 h9 C  "Senator Clinton and MayorGiuliani are the top Democratic and Republican vote-getters. They』realso the people Americans would most welcome to Thanksgiving dinner,"said Maurice Carroll, Director of the Quinnipiac University PollingInstitute.  e3 \$ Q7 o/ i) F; T3 Y. [
  4 G9 x! k' G( r" u
  "Let』s take a day off from breaking heads on the campaign trail, and break bread around the Thanksgiving dinner table."! _! |; q( `7 u# N4 W% F, b4 S
+ A% v3 C, s' o: r  N2 I  Some people say Thanksgiving is a holiday for friends and family.
2 y3 _5 W8 E# u5 G1 N  
( ~8 u% h% V5 i2 K" F( D- d  Quinnipiac University conducted a poll of 1,636 US voters.' b2 z' e9 m) c! G+ z' W
2 ?  f$ k$ ^% @. X   & I4 J1 D0 r0 k7 r0 s3 m1 z
   希拉裡‧克林頓獲得通往白宮路上的又一次「精神勝利」——她是美國民眾最樂於邀請共享感恩節火雞晚餐的總統參選人。/ S" M. n! @" Q$ J) X% c; k' Y, W
  + e0 T; S# p$ l" w" K6 B
+ x- ^$ w/ |! v/ s( c  
. S9 `. n3 w) \1 z3 N7 O  希拉裡的黨內競爭對手巴拉克‧奧巴馬為第二大最受歡迎的人物,分別有24%的選民和民主黨人願意邀請他共享感恩節晚餐。1 L7 d! l+ W/ E; l) m) |" I* T
  ( H* [, Y6 K* i# A( y5 r9 p* n
# ~2 x- g. L1 P* C2 a  
' d1 s* V' u2 J2 o5 P% R9 Q  昆尼皮亞克大學民意調查中心主任莫裡斯‧卡洛爾說:「希拉裡議員和朱利安尼市長在各自黨內的支持率最高,(從這點來看),他們同時也是美國民眾最樂於邀請共享感恩節晚餐的總統參選人。」! Z8 L7 n8 S/ y4 M  o
, y# V- W& |; S4 ?! }  莫裡斯說:「我們都把競選拋到一邊,給自己放一天假,在感恩節一起共進晚餐吧!」
+ `' i( K* r  Y! ]  , w3 b* @% r; A
  有些人說感恩節是與家人和朋友聚會的日子。0 S# R4 n% _$ P- }: K
  7 w& ]4 D  y2 t
  昆尼皮亞克大學共對美國1636名選民進行了調查。3 t! u$ p+ B) Q% E. X% j- ]% O/ Z6 V
$ m& b3 N$ J! C( A$ n" x   ; c/ i& w/ E" [# H/ p1 `
  全球20位最迷人富家女出爐 何超儀榜上有名; {( L; [# O4 g" ?% N; W: P  \
  Forbes ranks "intriguing" heiresses
6 R* `; ]1 z* S  
+ Z* w) Q' M  T4 c* V  Sporty, arty and business savvy. A ranking of the world』s top 20 mostintriguing billionaire heiresses by Web site Forbes.com shows daughtersof the rich aren』t all just socialites and can be hard workers.4 L; _/ f5 h9 S. Z: D* E7 z& ~) P
  ' x3 I0 s- e: Z+ V4 z+ ~
  While hotel heiress Paris Hilton hit the headlines for spending timein jail and making a sex video with a boyfriend, Forbes.com said thewomen on its list were "proving themselves every bit as tenacious andambitious as their namesakes."/ e- Q& R1 h, i# A2 S7 n* @. m
/ e  N' R  I% n# a+ _7 H  In top spot on the list isVanisha Mittal Bhatia of India, who has a master』s degree in SouthAsian studies and sits on the board of Mittal Steel, owned by herfather Lakshmi Mittal, estimated by Forbes to be worth $51 billion.
3 g6 O3 J0 N3 u! {" Q1 Z  
# R; K# j2 B6 M# b  "She』s perhaps best known for the $60 million Parisian wedding herfather threw her and 1,000 of their closest friends in 2004.」 said theWeb site (www.forbes.com).- ]; g* U9 }. W' i/ _+ G* ^: U
) O4 [7 v5 B1 p7 M& r  The women on the list are allunder 40 and ranked according to their father』s or mother』s most recentnet worth on either Forbes』 World』s Billionaires list, the Forbes 400list of the Richest Americans, or Forbes Asia』s 40 Richest Indians.
' g8 O5 v: V6 d. J. S2 k5 y  
( k9 i% {8 y( b/ R& n  Coming in at No. 2 is Delphine Arnault Gancia of France, daughter ofBernard Arnault who runs the Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH) luxurygoods empire. Gancia is a former McKinsey consultant and the firstwoman to be named a director on the LVMH board, Forbes.com said.
2 q9 {4 g, `/ O- F+ o+ Y# Z  
8 R5 n& d7 b, [  w, D  Third is Marta Ortega Perez, youngest child of Spain』s richestresident Amancio Ortega, worth an estimated $24 billion and chairman ofInditex, owner of the Zara clothing chain.
1 i2 {2 w* g: ^  g( u  ; }9 `6 X+ o3 Q' l/ N! z' U, m, y2 \
  "Marta is beinggroomed to succeed her father, and she』s learning the how-to』s ofretail by working the floor -- stocking shelves, assisting customers --in some of the family』s stores," Forbes.com said.
3 E( {( R, _- F% j3 y  - d6 p. ~7 Q8 d7 L/ g. X
  GeorginaBloomberg, daughter of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg --majority owner of Bloomberg LP financial news and data company andestimated to be worth $11.5 billion -- comes in at No. 4. She is vyingfor a spot on the 2008 US.Olympic equestrian team.* _* c) b- Z/ D8 o- T! E
( o: |! Y" E( s, T  K# A' R  SamanthaKluge takes No. 5. She is the "sometimes wild child" of communicationsmogul John Kluge, estimated to be worth $9.5 billion, and boasts 12tattoos and two annulled marriages, Forbes.com said.3 b8 ?* k5 n# ]& b) W7 s) Z) T5 S
  $ [+ K0 y6 m" f# a1 D  k
  Josie Ho Chiu Yi, daughter of Stanley Ho, Macao』s casino mogul, stands at the eighth. She is an actress and singer.
* u: b' i- T8 U) k" O  % m- ~* a5 L, o: e  f
  - I5 `: b" L& ?9 ^: S$ E
  她們是體育健將、藝海明星、商界精英……《福布斯》網站日前公佈了「全球最具魅力的20位億萬豪門千金」排行榜,從該榜可以看出,豪門之女並不都是「社交名媛」之輩,她們中也不乏努力上進之人。0 q$ S2 n# z2 c8 T/ y; i. l* v
8 H$ R; b4 T1 V8 z# g! ?% s' n  福布斯網站稱,相比酒店集團的女性繼承人帕裡斯‧希爾頓因蹲監獄和與男友的性愛錄像帶醜聞而頻登報紙頭條,這次上榜的豪門千金則證明了她們與自己的父輩一樣,品質堅強、有雄心壯志。3 f3 @/ L! o+ O" }- S
5 c* Q/ r& J. G( r( l* E  榮登排行榜首位的是印度鋼鐵大王拉克什米‧米塔爾的女兒瓦尼莎‧米塔爾‧巴蒂亞。她曾獲東南亞研究碩士學位,目前任職於米塔爾鋼鐵集團董事會。據《福布斯》估計,鋼鐵大王米塔爾的個人資產達到510億美元。" {0 |4 ]# I, u* i* K7 W
    w+ y+ O& R7 z1 Q; }0 s
  《福布斯》網站稱:「她最出名的事可能要數她2004年在巴黎舉行的盛大婚禮了。當時,鋼鐵大王米塔爾為女兒的婚禮耗資6000萬美元,並大宴千名賓客。」* u+ n9 t# V, y- [9 _
  8 o0 R$ r3 @8 A! h
/ S7 f& ]7 q6 U/ |4 Z7 p  
: u* k; I. r1 _2 D7 y/ X( s  位居第二的是法國路易‧威登集團主席伯納德‧阿爾諾特的女兒德爾菲娜‧阿爾諾特‧甘西婭。據介紹,甘西婭曾是麥肯錫公司的一名顧問,現已加盟路易‧維登集團,並是集團董事會的首位女董事。
5 b! Q$ g/ r$ C4 i( s  7 e9 O" i: A7 I
) a& ^% b1 M/ e' V. i  ; t3 f, _7 L) l# \# M
  《福布斯》網站介紹說:「瑪爾塔正在為接班做準備,目前她在幾家分店打雜學習零售基礎知識,比如,擺貨和接待顧客等。」2 o3 ?! n4 a4 D2 d5 b+ ^
  - G' T5 n/ b. `( J$ x
  紐約市市長邁克爾‧布隆姆博格的女兒喬治婭‧布隆姆博格名列第四。布隆姆博格是財經新聞及數據集團「彭博資訊」的最大股東,擁有約115億美元的個人資產。喬治婭‧布隆姆博格目前正在爭取參加2008年奧運會馬術比賽的資格。3 X; |4 _# r# C
; f6 a8 W0 Y  c0 y  位居第五的是個人資產達95億美元的通訊業巨頭約翰‧克拉奇的女兒薩曼塔。福布斯介紹說,薩曼塔「有時候有點野」,她全身共有12處紋身,曾有過兩次婚姻。- P4 A# Z! m! Y+ K9 \, G0 x3 V6 @
5 N6 G0 ^1 D4 f2 c% h  中國澳門博彩業巨頭何鴻燊之女何超儀也榜上有名,名列第八。何超儀是一名演員兼歌手。
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